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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
The influence of different intensity of Tan Tui exercises on the posture control of students in the Tai Chi Elective Course: protocol for a randomized controlled trial Youhua Li1, Zemin Yu2, Huaixu Li3, Shanyuan Ma1, Wenjing Zhang1 Trials 2024 Sep 9 VIEW
The influence of intense Tai Chi training on physical performance and hemodynamic outcomes in transitionally frail older adults Wolf, S., O’Grandy, M., Easley, K., Guo, Y., Kressig, R. & Kutner, M. Journal of Gerontology A Biological Science and Medical Science 2006 VIEW
The influence of tai chi and yoga on balance and falls in a residential care setting: a randomised controlled trial. Saravanakumar P1, Higgins IJ, Van Der Riet PJ, Marquez J, Sibbritt D. Contemp Nurse. 2014 Jul 23 VIEW
The influence of Tai Chi exercise on the subjective well-being in the aged: the mediating role of physical fitness and cognitive function Heng Wang1, Yangyang Liu2, Zhengguo Pei2, Jiafeng Liang2, Xiaosheng Ding3 BMC Geriatr 2023 Oct 9 VIEW
The influence of tai chi on the death anxiety of elderly people living alone: the chain mediating effect of social support and psychological capital Jiali Zhou1, Baoyuan Wu1, Lining Su2, Xiujie Ma1,3 Front Psychol 2024 Jan 8 VIEW
The influence of Tai Chi training on the center of pressure trajectory during gait initiation in older adults Hass CJ, Gregor RJ, Waddell DE, Oliver A, Smith DW, Fleming RP, Wolf SL Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2004 Oct VIEW
The influence of traditional Chinese exercise on brain function compared with other sports: A meta-analysis on functional neuroimaging studies Bin Yang1, Runqing Miao2, Zilei Tian1, Tianyu Wang1, Fengya Zhu1, Tao Li1, Wuyu Li1,3, Jie Wu2 Heliyon 2024 Aug 23 VIEW
The Influences of Tai Chi on Balance Function and Exercise Capacity among Stroke Patients: A Meta-Analysis Xinhu Zheng1, Xiaoyang Wu2, Zuhong Liu1, Jing Wang3, Keyang Wang4, Jilin Yin5, Xing Wang1 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2021 Feb 24 VIEW
The interrelationship between balance, Tai Chi and depression in Latino older adults. Siu KC1, Padilla C2, Rajaram SS3,4 Aging Clin Exp Res. 2016 Jun 18 VIEW
The intersection of the two complimentary fields of preventive cardiology and integrative cardiology: A Fellow's voice Brian Cheung1,2 Am J Prev Cardiol 2022 Nov 19 VIEW
The joint moment distribution of the lower extremity during tai chi chuan. Liu W1, Pearlman R, Singh J, Lewis C. J Altern Complement Med. 2014 May VIEW
The Leveraging Exercise to Age in Place (LEAP) Study: Engaging Older Adults in Community-Based Exercise Classes to Impact Loneliness and Social Isolation Allison Moser Mays1, Sungjin Kim2, Katrina Rosales3, Tam Au4, Sonja Rosen5 Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2020 Oct 16 VIEW
The management of behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia in residential homes: Does Tai Chi have any role for people with dementia? Tadros G, Ormerod S, Dobson-Smyth P, Gallon M, Doherty D, Carryer A, Oyebode J, Kingston P. Dementia (London). 2013 Mar 1 VIEW
The mental-attention Tai Chi effect with older adults. Kim TH1, Pascual-Leone J2, Johnson J2, Tamim H3 BMC Psychol. 2016 May 31 VIEW
The metabolic syndrome and mind-body therapies: a systematic review. Anderson JG, Taylor AG. J Nutr Metab. 2011 VIEW
The Mind Body-Wellness in Supportive Housing (Mi-WiSH) study: Design and rationale of a cluster randomized controlled trial of Tai Chi in senior housing. Wayne PM1, Gagnon MM2, Macklin EA3, Travison TG4, Manor B5, Lachman M6, Thomas CP7, Lipsitz LA8 Contemp Clin Trials. 2017 Jul 7 VIEW
The mingled culture and health focus in the 21st century Li Shun//Wu Jinxian 4th World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1998 VIEW
The modulation effects of the mind-body and physical exercises on the basolateral amygdala-temporal pole pathway on individuals with knee osteoarthritis Jiao Liu1,2,3, Weilin Liu1, Jia Huang1,4, Yajun Wang1,4, Baoru Zhao1,4, Peiling Zeng1,4, Guiyan Cai1,4, Ruilin Chen1,4, Kun Hu1,4, YouXue Tu1,4, Meiqin Lin1,4, Jian Kong3, Jing Tao1,4,5, Lidian Chen1,4,5 Int J Clin Health Psychol 2024 Jan-Mar VIEW
The Neural Mechanisms of Meditative Practices: Novel Approaches for Healthy Aging. Acevedo BP1, Pospos S2, Lavretsky H2 Curr Behav Neurosci Rep. 2016 VIEW
The Neuroscience of Nonpharmacological Traditional Chinese Therapy (NTCT) for Major Depressive Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Ye J1, Cheung WM2, Tsang HWH1 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2019 May 15 VIEW
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