The effects of emotions on short-term power spectrum analysis of heart rate variability

Author: McCraty R//Atkinson M//Tiller WA//Rein G////
Conference/Journal: American Journal of Cardiology
Date published: 1995
Other: Volume ID: 76 , Issue ID: 14 , Pages: 1089-1093 , Word Count: 113

This study utilizes HRV analysis to examine a new method of intentionally shifting emotional states, and demonstrates that positive emotions lead to alterations in sympathovagal balance that may be beneficial in the treatment of hypertension. Anger, on the other hand, was shown to significantly increase sympathetic activation.

In summary, this work extends previous findings by demonstrating that anger produces a sympathetically dominated power spectrum, while appreciation produces a power spectral shift toward MF and HF activity. Results suggest that positive emotions lead to alterations in HRV, which may be beneficial in the treatment of hypertension, and in reducing the likelihood of sudden death in patients with congestive heart failure and coronary artery disease.