Analysis of qi by KinShindan-ho (muscular diagnosing therapy) and manipulative treatment

Author: Kono Tadao//Hoshino Minoru//Yamabe Yoshihiko
Association of Muscular-Diagnosing Therapy, Japan [1]
Conference/Journal: 1st World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong
Date published: 1988
Other: Pages: 142 , Word Count: 1706

If we give the definition of the medical treatment of qigong as the therapy by the practical use of qi, I can say with much confidence that the Jing Luo (meridians) therapy by acupuncture is also the same therapy. The KinShindan-Ho, a kind of acupuncture I have originated may be regarded as the new qigong systematized as a method of medical treatment.

Until now, we have various applications of magnetism used in medical instruments or other healing products and methods because of its healthy usefulness or some kind of medical effects. But science has not proposed any complete explanation as to why and how the magnetism appears or affects the case of treatment. This is the very similar circumstance about the essential recognition of qi, so called whether 'inner qi' or 'emitted qi', that is lacking the physical reality with scientific substantiation.

As it is believed that in proportion as the magnetic force increases the efficacy will rise, there is a remarkable tendency to use stronger magnetic tablets to put on the affected part for treatment. On the other hand, we know the tendency that the capacity of inner qi is one of the most important conditions of a qigong doctor. It is interest but questionable for me as to whether this tendency has missed the mark.

At any rate, it is no use to say that to build the relationship filled with confidence between doctors and patients and to make a self-effort of patients to realize the earlier cure are the most important and indispensable conditions, for qi makes the full use of the real ability when the qi of a doctor forms in response to that of patients, that is not one way effective from the doctor's side on the wide concept of treatment with qi.

On our point of view, the efficacy is not in proportion to the magnetic force (numerical value of gauss), though there is no question that the magnetism of tablet we use for stimulation or relaxation operates physically to living objects. I could get the same efficacy I expected when I used a tablet of both 800 gauss and l60 gauss.
From this result, we can guess it is necessary for patients to take magnetism as an information, enough to promote the circulation of inner qi, not magnetism itself.
If magnetism itself makes an important contribution to efficacy to meridians, there leaves no room for the manipulative treatment of KinShindan-Ho, on which we use no apparatus.
We may discuss if our manipulative treatment should be comprised in the category of the emitted qi treatment.
But it is sure that hands and fingers can radiate something in common between magnetism and qi. Until today, we have come to proof that hands and fingers show the 'nature' which correspond to magnetic poles, though it is needless to say that hands and fingers are not magnets in that they cannot attract iron or any other metals.
I give it the name as 'Finger Magnet', for it does the part of our magnetic apparatus for diagnosis.
We introduce, as follows, the law and the way (proceeding order) and use of the manipulative treatment of the KinShindan-Ho. And we pick up certain relations with a treatment of the emitted qi to consider or dispute.
1. A subject lies in a face up position to take an abdominal diagnosis.
A manipulator pushes in at the points of abdominal diagnosis by the tip of the mid finger and to guess extraordinariness of meridians, asking a subject if he feels pain or not.
2. A manipulator examines if extraordinary tensions appear by an operation of touching diagnosis on diagnostic muscles which are counterpart to each meridian.
3. A manipulator gives a conclusion of abnormality of a meridian by the symptoms of both pain of a point of abdominal diagnosis and tensions of diagnostic muscles of the common relative meridian.
4. The abnormal meridians are classified into four groups: yin meridians of hand, yin meridians of foot, yang meridians of hand and yang meridians of foot.
A manipulator selects only one meridian from each group for the meridian to treat, so we appoint the four meridians to treat.
5. A manipulator decides the side to treat, either right or left and selects only one point from the probable points.
6. A manipulator stimulates the healing point in the case of weakness or relaxes, the healing point in the case of excessiveness on each meridian.

Now we have to show the precondition when we assign the N or S pole role to each hand and fingers. Right hand of man: S(minus)-pole to palm, S-pole to thumb, N(plus)-pole to forefinger and S-pole to middle finger. Left hand of man N-pole to palm, N-pole to thumb,
S-pole to forefinger and N-pole to middle finger.
Woman’s are exchanged from the right to left of those of man.
We can therefore do the manipulative therapy by using this force. A manipulator examines if the extraordinary tensions of diagnostic muscles will disappear, while he puts his fingers gently and lightly on the point of abdomen by the other hand, this manipulation is the way to decide the weakness or excessiveness.
For example, a male manipulator makes muscular diagnosis on the left hand if there is a reaction, when he touches the point of the abdomen by the forefinger of his right hand (N pole role). If there is a reaction, it shows weakness of the meridian.
Next, we give the name N (plus) -S (minus) ring that is a finger ring made of the tip of the thumb and the tip of forefinger or middle finger
Man's N-ring is made of the right thumb and the forefinger and of the left thumb and the middle finger. Man's S-ring is made of the right thumb and the middle finger and of the left thumb and the forefinger. Woman's are exchanged from the right to left of those of man. Using these law, when manipulators and patients make a mutual aid, they can know the weakness or excessiveness clearly, accurately, and more rapidly than ordinary cases.

This is to say:
1. For example, a male manipulator, left N-ring, pushing on into a point of the abdomen by the tip of the middle finger of the right hand. if there is a vanishing reaction of pain, this is a sign of weakness.
2. Left N-ring of a patient, straightening the elbow joint and turning the forearm inward, while a manipulator takes diagnosis on the points of the abdomen or diagnose muscles, if they get a vanishing reaction, it shows the weakness of the left side of yin meridian of foot.
Left S-ring of a patient, the rest of the same proceeding condition, it shows the excessiveness of the left side of yin meridian of foot. The case of the right N-ring of a patient is to show weakness of the right.
3. Left N-ring of a patient, straightening the elbow joint and turning the forearm outward, while a manipulator takes diagnosis on points of the abdomen or diagnoses muscles, if they get a vanishing reaction, it shows the weakness of the left side of the yang meridian of foot. The followings are the same as above.
4. Left N-ring of a patient, right angle bending the elbow joint and turning the forearm inward, while the manipulator makes a diagnosis as above; if they get a vanishing reaction, it shows the weakness of the left side of the yin meridian of hand. The followings are the same as above.
5. Left N-ring of a patient, right angle bending the elbow joint and turning the forearm outward, while the manipulator makes a diagnosis as above; if they get a vanishing reaction, it shows the weakness of the left side of the yang meridian of hand.
The followings are the same as above.

Now we believe you understand the whole system of the manipulative treatment, especially about the cooperative way between patients and manipulators on- the diagnosing process. By the way, on these process of finger magnet, from beginning to the decision of the side to treat, the manipulator uses a gentle touching method on the points. But on the points to treat, the manipulator may use a hard touching method for the stimulation or relaxation. In this case, each pole role turns to opposite nature. That is to say, when male manipulators use a hard touching method, the finger magnets play the role of woman's ones of gentle touching method. Female manipulator's finger magnets have the contrast to man's.

Now I will show the alternative treatment of our own method. When a male manipulator wants to make the stimulation to the point to treat, you may touch or set your left palm (2 inches down the Pericardium Meridian of Laogong (P 8), near the root of the middle finger) afloat facing to skin until 3 cm above it. If you set your palm more than 3 cm, you may relax to the point. In this method, there is no need to use psycho attention. The right palm makes the opposite phenomena to the above. A female manipulator's palms play the opposite role.

I don't believe that the law of the KinShindan-Ho has universal validity through the generality of the emitted qi treatment, for it seems there are some considerable differences between them. For the cases of treatment with the emitted qi, it is important to harmonize the radiation to breathing and with the psycho attention. Otherwise, as the emitted qi treatment does not have a system to decide weakness or excessiveness of meridians in its own scale, neither have a general method to stimulate or relax on the points. Though we easily find something in common between the manipulative treatment of the KinShindan-Ho and the radiation treatment of the emitted qi, for example, by which we get remarkable efficacy without any apparatus. As I am not a doctor of qigong but only an acupuncturist, I have not been trained to radiate qi. But when I explain our manipulation, I dare say qi plays a great part in our conception of treatment; i. e. the qi of the hands of a manipulator’s is counterpart of that of the patient's body surface. We want profitable suggestions from the Chinese qigong doctors.