Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
"The Mind Is Willing, but the Flesh Is Weak": The Effects of Mind-Body Dualism on Health Behavior. Forstmann M, Burgmer P, Mussweiler T. Psychol Sci. 2012 Sep 12 VIEW
”Qigong feed back” and preliminary study to its mechanism Zhang Gui Fang 1//Fu Chun Fang 1//Wang Xiu Guo 1//Seto Katsuo 2 3rd Int Symp on Qigong 1990 VIEW
[<i>Huangdi Neijing</i> and <i>Huangdi Waijin</i> g compiled in the Western Zhou] J W Li1 Zhonghua Yi Shi Za Zhi 2021 Jan 28 VIEW
[A review of recent researches on correlation between ATP and acupuncture efficacies]. Chen B, Guo Y, Zhao X, Liu YY, Li ZZ, Li YH, Guo YM. Zhen Ci Yan Jiu. 2012 Aug VIEW
[A study on the effect of Dan Jeon breathing method to reduce blood pressure of the client with essential hypertension][Article in Korean] Kim NC Kanhohak Tamgu 1994 VIEW
[Active mind-body movement therapies and pulmonary rehabilitation for people with COPD] R Gauthier1, J Vassail2, J-P Croutaz2, C Raspaud3 Rev Mal Respir 2022 Feb 7 VIEW
[Acupuncture : Basics, practice, and evidence.] Stör W, Irnich D. Anaesthesist. 2009 Mar VIEW
[Acupuncture combined with auricular point sticking and pressing for smoking cessation of 53 cases in Russia] Song, LZ Zhongguo Zhen Jiu. 2008 Feb VIEW
[Acupuncture treatment of abdominal obesity patients by "belt vessel (Daimai) regulating method"]. Liang CM, Hu H, Li YY. Zhen Ci Yan Jiu. 2012 Dec VIEW
[Age and osteoporosis : Effects of aging on osteoporosis, the diagnostics and therapy.] Jakob F1, Seefried L, Schwab M. Internist (Berl). 2014 Jun 6 VIEW
[Analysis of information detection of biological energy on Shangjuxu (ST 37) with acupuncture] Liu Y, Chen YL. Zhongguo Zhen Jiu. 2010 Jun VIEW
[Analysis of information detection of biological energy on Shangjuxu (ST 37) with acupuncture] Liu Y, Chen YL. Zhongguo Zhen Jiu. 2010 Jun VIEW
[Analysis on the concepts of qi, blood and meridians in Huangdi Neijing (Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Classic)]. Zhang WB. Zhongguo Zhen Jiu. 2013 Aug VIEW
[Assessment and investigation of therapeutic effects of different needling methods for treatment of spastic state of post-cerebrovascular disease] Wang LP, Zhou W, Wang Y. Zhongguo Zhen Jiu. 2007 May VIEW
[Associations between depression, anxiety and telomere length in a large Dutch psychiatric cohort study]. Verhoeven JE, van Oppen P, Penninx BWJH Tijdschr Psychiatr. 2017 VIEW
[Auricular acupuncture in patients with detrusor overactivity : A pilot study.] Bschleipfer T, Lüdecke G, Durschnabel M, Wagenlehner FM, Weidner W, Pilatz A. Urologe A. 2013 Apr 20 VIEW
[Baduanjin improves sleep quality in patients with type 2 diabetes possibly via regulating Bmal1 gene] Zi-Xuan Dong1, Zhan-Ke Ma2 Sheng Li Xue Bao 2024 Jun 25 VIEW
[Basic notions of heart rate variability and its clinical applicability.] Vanderlei LC, Pastre CM, Hoshi RA, Carvalho TD, Godoy MF. Rev Bras Cir Cardiovasc. 2009 Jun VIEW
[Body fat and fat mass-fat free mass ratio estimated by bioelectric impedance in the nutritional evaluation of women 35-55 years of age][Article in Spanish] Martin Moreno V//Gomez Gandoy JB//Gomez de la Camara A//Antoranz Gonzalez MJ Rev Esp Salud Publica 2002 VIEW
[Body, mind and culture : The complex dimensions of experiencing pain] Jonas Tesarz1 Schmerz 2024 Jan 30 VIEW
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