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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Chinese stroke survivors' perceptions of participation in exercise or sitting Tai Chi Jie Zhao1,2, Yuli Zang1, Janita Pak Chun Chau1, Rong He3, David R Thompson4 Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs 2021 May 19 VIEW
Exploring Tai Chi Exercise and Mind-Body Breathing in Patients with COPD in a Randomized Controlled Feasibility Trial Kristen M Kraemer1,2, Daniel Litrownik1,2, Marilyn L Moy3,4, Peter M Wayne2, Douglas Beach3,5, Elizabeth S Klings6, Harry Reyes Nieva3, Adlin Pinheiro1, Roger B Davis1,3, Gloria Y Yeh1,2 COPD 2021 Jun 9 VIEW
Tai Chi for health and well-being: A bibliometric analysis of published clinical studies between 2010 and 2020 Guo-Yan Yang1, Angelo Sabag2, Wen-Li Hao3, Li-Ning Zhang4, Ming-Xian Jia5, Ning Dai6, Han Zhang7, Zahra Ayati8, Yan-Jun Cheng9, Chen-Hao Zhang10, Xiao-Wen Zhang6, Fan-Long Bu11, Min Wen12, Xian Zhou13, Jian-Ping Liu6, Peter M Wayne13, Carolyn Ee2, Dennis Chang2, Hosen Kiat14, Jennifer Hunter2, Alan Bensoussan2 Complement Ther Med 2021 Jun 9 VIEW
The Efficacy of Tai Chi and Stretching Exercises Based on a Smartphone Application for Patients With Parkinson's Disease: A Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial Renyan Ma1, Yuning Hou1, Yiyin Zhang1, Muyang He2, Song Gao1, Keneilwe Kenny Kaudimba1, Kaiqing Lin1, Lingjing Jin3, Tiemin Liu4, Ru Wang1 Front Neurol 2021 Oct 28 VIEW
Efficacy of Tai Chi on Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease Mei Ha1,2, Yuhui Yang1, Yu Shi3, Ya Lu1, Kun Chen1, Suofei Zhang1, Yu Luo1 Biol Res Nurs 2021 Nov 26 VIEW
Effects of Tai Chi on the neuromuscular function of the patients with functional ankle instability: a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial Huiru Tang1, Min Mao2, Daniel T P Fong3, Qipeng Song1, Yan Chen1, Zhipeng Zhou1, Cui Zhang4, Jiangna Wang1, Xuewen Tian1, Wei Sun5 Trials 2022 Feb 2 VIEW
Mechanisms of motor symptom improvement by long-term Tai Chi training in Parkinson's disease patients Gen Li#1, Pei Huang#2, Shi-Shuang Cui1, Yu-Yan Tan1, Ya-Chao He1, Xin Shen1, Qin-Ying Jiang3, Ping Huang4, Gui-Ying He1, Bin-Yin Li1, Yu-Xin Li3, Jin Xu3, Zheng Wang5, Sheng-Di Chen6 Transl Neurodegener 2022 Feb 7 VIEW
Are Movement-Based Mindful Exercises (QIGONG, TAI CHI, AND YOGA) Beneficial for Stroke and Parkinson's Disease? A Scoping Review Garcia-MunozCristina García-Muñoz1, GarciaPaula González García2, María Jesús Casuso-Holgado3, Martinez-CalderonJavier Martínez-Calderón3, Alberto Marcos Heredia-Rizo3 Complement Ther Med 2022 Dec 21 VIEW
Effects of 12 weeks of Tai Chi on neuromuscular responses and postural control in elderly patients with sarcopenia: a randomized controlled trial Dunbing Huang1, Xiaohua Ke1, Cai Jiang2,3,4, Wei Song1, Jing Feng1, Huiting Zhou5, Rui Zhang5, Anren Zhang1, Fujun Lan6 Front Neurol 2023 Apr 28 VIEW
The acceptability of homebased exercise snacking and Tai-chi snacking amongst high and low function UK and Taiwanese older adults Ian Ju Liang1, Jessica Francombe-Webb1, Polly M McGuigan1, Oliver J Perkin1, Dylan Thompson1, Max J Western1 Front Aging 2023 Aug 1 VIEW
The optimal exercise parameters of Tai Chi on the effect of glucose and lipid metabolism in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A meta-analysis Haotian Zhao1, Jin Teng2, Ge Song2, Xuancheng Fu3, Xinliang Pan2, Siqin Shen4, Yi Yan2, Chang Liu5 Complement Ther Med 2023 Oct 17 VIEW
Tai Chi improves non-motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease: One-year randomized controlled study with the investigation of mechanisms Gen Li1, Pei Huang2, Shishuang Cui1, Yachao He1, Qinying Jiang3, Binyin Li1, Yuxin Li3, Jin Xu3, Zheng Wang3, Yuyan Tan4, Shengdi Chen5 Parkinsonism Relat Disord 2024 Jan 12 VIEW
At least 150 min per week of Tai chi practice improves sleep quality in the older people: evidence from a meta-analysis Lan Lei#1, Shuwan Chang#2, Liang Cheng3 Eur Geriatr Med 2024 Dec 7 VIEW
Effects of tai chi based on information and communication technology for patients with mild cognitive impairment on cognitive and physical function: a systematic review and meta-analysis Yezi Li#1, Qingjie Wang#1, Yuanyuan Ren2, Xiaokun Mao1 Front Public Health 2025 Jan 7 VIEW
Chinese super power meditation -- the experiment, healing effort, and theory of a new technique for training “qi-energy” Wu Heiming 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
Effects of Tai Chi exercise on physical and mental health of college students Wang YT//Taylor L//Pearl //Chang LS Am J Chin Med 2004 VIEW
From efficacy to safety concerns: A STEP forward or a step back for clinical research and intercessory prayer?: The Study of Therapeutic Effects of Intercessory Prayer (STEP) Mitchell W. Krucoff, MD, FACC, Suzanne W. Crater, RN, ANP-C, Kerry L. Lee Am Heart J 2006 Apr VIEW
Delineating the impact of Tai Chi training on physical function among the elderly Li F//Fisher KJ//Harmer P//McAuley E Am J Prev Med 2002 VIEW
Improvement In Balance, Strength and Flexibility after 12 Weeks Of Tai Chi Taylor-Piliae R E//Haskell WL//Stotts NA//Sivarajan Froelicher E Altern Ther Health Med 2006 VIEW
Critical appraisal method of acupuncture safety Lin Jaung-geng 1//Fu1Pin-kuei, Shih-Liang Chang 2 Chin Med J 2006?? VIEW
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