Newly discovered characteristics of acupuncture points and their relationship to the circulation of qi

Author: Gong Xinxiong
Fremont, Calif. [1]
Conference/Journal: 1st Int Cong of Qigong
Date published: 1990
Other: Pages: 119 , Word Count: 337

Through many years of studying and practicing qigong, the author has achieved a very a high awareness of the energy field of his body and those of other living beings. Upon studying the theories of the meridian system and acupuncture points In traditional Chinese medicine, the author discovered that these matched exactly his personal experience. Furthermore, the author could analyze and document his accumulated experiences and thereby deduce several special characteristics of acupuncture points and their relationship to the circulation of qi. The author proposes five characteristics of acupuncture points:

1. Every acupuncture point can control the direction of qi circulation along the meridian where it is located. Each meridian point has its own natural direction for controlling qi movement. For example, some point influences the qi in an upward direction, while other points move the qi downward.

2. Every acupuncture point can control the amount of qi circulating within its meridian. The amount of control varies from point to point. For example, the point Quze (Pericardium 3), on the Pericardium meridian of Hand Jueyln can produce stronger qi than the points Neiguan (Pericardium 6), and Laogong (Per. 8).

3. The intrinsic attribute of a point as described in number one above is also altered by changes in the environment, changes in the internal state of an individual, and by the mind of the individual.

4. By stimulating different acupuncture points along a meridian one can affect the condition of the related internal organ. The effect will depend upon whether the qi moves toward an organ or away from an organ. for example, by stimulating the point Zusanli (Stomach 36), qi in the Stomach meridian of Foot Yangming moves away from the stomach. The stomach contracts, becomes stressed and decreases in qi. The opposite effect on the stomach can be achieved by stimulating Tianshu (Stomach 25).

5. The most important characteristic of acupuncture points is that the stimulation of every point causes a specific qi flow through all the meridians and a different response in every organ. Each of these qi routes has a specific biological significance.