A preliminary clinical evaluation of external snehan and asanas in the patients of sciatica.

Author: Singh AK, Singh OP.
Affiliation: Department of Kayachikitsa, Faculty of Ayurveda, Institute of Medical Sciences, BHU, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Conference/Journal: Int J Yoga.
Date published: 2013 Jan
Other: Volume ID: 6 , Issue ID: 1 , Pages: 71-5 , Special Notes: doi: 10.4103/0973-6131.105950 , Word Count: 257

Lower back pain radiating to either on one leg or both legs along the course of sciatic nerve is a common ailment in the clinical practice, this type of peculiar symptomatology is termed as "Sciatica" in modern medicine. The medical treatment is unsatisfactory for both the patient and the neurosurgeons, as the surgical treatment has its own hazards and the cost of the surgical procedure and medical treatment is prohibitory to most of the Indian patients. Hence, most of the patients present themselves to the practitioners of Indian medicines like Ayurveda and yoga. This study was designed to evaluate the preliminary clinical effects of Bahya Snehan and Asanas in the patients of sciatica. This was a prospective randomized active control trial. A total of 60 participants showing classical symptoms of Sciatica between 18 and 65 years of age were randomly assigned to receive Ayurvedic or Yogic measure. One group received Snehan (external) with Bhujang and Shalabh Asana while another group received Bhujang and Salabh Asana only. Both groups practiced supervised intervention for 4 weeks. The signs and symptoms like Katishool (pain), tenderness, Stambha (rigidity), difficulty in walking, pain on bending forward were graded and interpreted at the end of the trail Significant improvement was observed in both groups before and after external Snehan with Bhujang and Shalabh Asana and in another group Bhujang and Salabh Asana only. CONCLUSIONS: Both groups, one with Snehan with asanas and the second with asanas only showed significant improvement in the patients of sciatica (Gridhrasi).
Asanas, gridhrasi, janu, kati, pada, prushtha, sciatics, sphika, stambha

PMID: 23439799