Effect of emitted qi to acupoints on somatosensory evoked potential recorded from the cortex following Zusanli (ST36) stimulation in cats

Author: Cui Rongqing 1//Zhao Xiuquan 1//Yang Jiafeng 1//Li Hoengmin 2
Affiliation: Dept Physiology, Beijing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China [1] //China-Japan Friendship Hospital, Beijing 100029, China [2]
Conference/Journal: 2nd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong
Date published: 1993
Other: Pages: 111 , Word Count: 473

The paper has observed the effect of the emitted qi to Zusanli (St36) on the somatosensory evoked potential (SEP) recorded from the cerebral cortex following Zusanli (St 36) stimulation in cats.

The experiments were performed on 21 adult cats, anesthetized with a single dose of 1% chloralose (70 mg/kg). Cats were fixed on a stereotaxic table in a shield room. A general craniotomy were performed over the frontal pole to expose the cortex. Zusanli (St 36) on both feet were stimulated by the concentric circles electrodes in order to prevent the diffusion of the stimulation. A monopolar, silver ball (0.5 mm diameter) acted as the recording electrode, was set on the surface of the cortex to elicit SEP. The normal control group was measured before the emitted qi, then asked the qigong master to emit qi to Zusanli (St 36) for about 30 min, and recorded the SEP at the same time. The control group was recorded again 30 min after cessation of the emission of qi.

Comparison between the emitted qi group and the control,group showed that the amplitudes of the SEP increased in 7 cases (33.33%), decreased in 12 cases (57.14%), and unchanged in 2 cases (9.53%); the latencies were prolonged in 5 cases (23.81%), shortened in 9 cases (42.86% ), and unchanged in 7 cases (33.33% ). The average value of all experimental data were listed in the table, expressing that the amplitudes of SEP were inhibited by the emitted qi. There were significant statistical difference in P16 & P40 waves of them.and the latencies were shortened but no significant change.

Table: Effect of the emitted qi to acupoint on somatosensory evoked potential in cats (mean±SE )

Waves P16 N27 P40

before (ms) 16.90±O.27 27.63±O.55 41.04±0.65
(µv) 9.50±0.37 32.30±1.36 60.20±2.73

emitted (ms) 16.76±O.34 26.70±0.60 39.71±0.77
(µv) 8.O5±O.29** 29.44±1.26 51.7±2.63*

after (ms) 16.96±0.31 27.18±0.59 41.00±0.98
(µv) 8.7A±O.52 30.38±1.32 57.16±3.76
ms (millisec): latencies; µv (microvolts): amplitudes; * P<O.05; ** P<O.01 compared with before.

It is often used one of the methods that activity of evoked potential was recorded from a special place on the cerebral cortex following one point stimulation on the body to study the mechanism of the medicine. According to each wave origin of the SEP, primary responses in 20 ms are generated in the thalamocortical axons and the primary somatosensory areas of the ipsilateral cerebral cortex, the second responses in 20—38 ms generated the second smatosensory areas and the callosal areas, the late responses 38 ms generated in the controlateral hemi sphere and wide-ranging cerebral cortex. Accordingly the amplitude of the SEP reflects the area size of the depolarization and the quantity of excitational neuron and the latency reflects the velocity and the distance of the signal to be conducted. The experimental results suggest that the quantity of the nervous activity reduce in the cerebral cortex and the somatosensory pathway, but the quality and the conduction of their function that take part in the excitation rise after the animals received the emitted qi. The phenomena are so much similar to qigong meditation.