[Heart Rate Variability - State of Research and Clinical Applicability].

Author: Fouradoulas M1, von Känel R2, Schmid JP3
Affiliation: <sup>1</sup>1 Praxis für Psychosomatik und langfristige Gesundheit, Zürich. <sup>2</sup>2 Klinik für Konsiliarpsychiatrie und Psychosomatik, Universitätsspital Zürich. <sup>3</sup>3 Kardiologie, Klinik Barmelweid.
Conference/Journal: Praxis (Bern 1994).
Date published: 2019
Other: Volume ID: 108 , Issue ID: 7 , Pages: 461-468 , Special Notes: doi: 10.1024/1661-8157/a003206. [Article in German; Abstract available in German from the publisher] , Word Count: 253

Heart Rate Variability - State of Research and Clinical Applicability Abstract. Heart rate variability is considered a marker of autonomous nervous system activity. Autonomic imbalance is found as a common component in a wide range of pathologies. It has been found to precede the onset of pathologic states and correlates with therapy response. In addition, heart rate variability at rest is a psychophysiological phenomenon with broad significance. Psychological experience affects physiological homeostasis, including immune processes, via the autonomous nerve system, which biologically underpins psychosomatic effects and makes them measurable by heart rate variability. The autonomous nerve system as the interface of this psychophysiological regulation is becoming increasingly important in heart rate variability research and allows a better understanding of the interactions between psyche, lifestyle, autonomous regulation and chronic illness. It requires a systemic, cross-organ view as well as an orientation towards long-term processes. The assessment and normalization of autonomic imbalance thus represents a novel therapeutic strategy from which numerous interventions and lifestyle modifications can be derived. Interventions that strengthen the vagal tone (aerobic or moderate physical training, relaxation techniques, vagus nerve stimulation, etc.) are becoming increasingly important. Despite the simple non-invasive measurement and popularity as a research instrument, interpretation is complex, and clinical implementation has been reluctant so far. Nevertheless, guidelines and data sets of reference values exist for users to apply.

KEYWORDS: Heart rate variability; Herzratenvariabilität; Vagotonus; Variabilité de la fréquence cardiaque; autonomes Nervensystem; autonomic nervous system; système nerveux autonome; tonus vagal; vagal; vagal tone

PMID: 31136267 DOI: 10.1024/1661-8157/a003206