Non thermal effects and mechanisms of interaction between EMF and living matter: a selected Summary Author: eds. Guiliani, L. & Soffritti, M Affiliation: Giuliani, from the Italian National Institute forPrevention & Safety at Work, and Soffritti, Director of the CesareMaltoni Cancer Research Centre, Ramazzini Institute, Italy, Conference/Journal: European J of Oncology Date published: 2010 Other: Volume ID: 5 , Word Count: 155 (A selected summary, supplemented by information from the ‘Late Lessons From Early Warnings’ EEA project, David Gee, EEA, Feb 182011) This Monograph by the International Commission for ElectromagneticSafety (ICEMS) edited by Giuliani, from the Italian National Institute forPrevention & Safety at Work, and Soffritti, Director of the CesareMaltoni Cancer Research Centre, Ramazzini Institute, Italy, includes 25scientific papers in 400 pages and summarises evidence on the nonthermal biological effects of EMF. (Page refs are to those in themonograph). Non thermal effects defined therein are biological mechanisms that arenot able to induce a temperature increase higher than 0.01degrees C(living organism), 0.001(cells) or 0.0005 (sub-cellular).By comparison, ANSI, WHO, IEEE & ICNIRP consider that exposuresbelow 0.05 degrees C (0.4W/kg) are safe for workers, and exposuresbelow 0.01 C (0.08 W/kg) are negligible for the public.Any biological effects below these levels are considered by theseorganisations to have no biological significance and to be reversible.(px1) more: