Effectiveness of music interventions for women with high anxiety during coronary angiographic procedures: A randomized controlled. Author: Nilsson U. Conference/Journal: Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs. Date published: 2010 Nov 22 Other: Word Count: 104 The purpose was to investigate if women with high pre-procedural anxiety reported higher degree of relaxation and comfort if listening to music during coronary angiographic procedures. A prospective randomized controlled trial was used included 68 patients undergoing coronary angiography and/or PCI. The women were allocated to receive calming music and standard care or standard care only. Relaxation, environmental sound and discomfort associated with lying still were assessed. There was significantly more positive impression of the sound environment and less discomfort associated with lying still in women listening to music in comparison to women who received only standard care. No effect in relaxation was found.