Special techniques to increase the immune system Author: Wu Tom 1//Wu Janet 2 Affiliation: Self Care Research Center, San Francisco, California, USA [1] //Waitankung Assoicaion, San Francisco, California, USA [2] Conference/Journal: 1st Int Cong of Qigong Date published: 1990 Other: Pages: 130 , Word Count: 105 The concepts of life currents and their relationship to health and disease will be discussed. Universal life currents are generated from solar light and living systems. For good health, this universal energy is connected between heaven and earth through the body. The operational channels in the body, through which qi flows, include the lymph system, oxygen transport system, and mitochondria in cells. To harmonize the inborn energy with the outer cosmic forces and to create a healthy balance, the body should not have energy blocks. Techniques for removing the energy blocks that will be discussed include Waitankung (a form of qigong), thermal hydropedi-therapy, and acu-techniques.